Company Intro Statement

Welcome to a new and innovative concept in solid waste collections and bulk services. My Planet is Beautiful / Beautiful Planet Systems is proud to introduce the world’s first Smart Container. Each design has a designated purpose that reduces waste and contamination, ensuring that each material ends up where it needs to be while reducing contamination.

These cutting-edge containers will assist with customer compliance, service days, violations, scheduling special services, ordering container service from Roll-offs, Commercial bins and so much more. This new innovative system is earth friendly, while being proactive and efficient in the care of our planet while providing an appreciated service to your community and educating the public in the importance of zero waste, zero contamination and the importance in decreasing contamination in recycling reusables and recycling green waste.

Big Daddy Bulk

Mama Recycle

Grandma Green Waste

Papa Refuse

Big Daddy Bulk


Recycle Dude



Recycle Woman



Mama Recycle

Papa Refuse

Buck the Recycle Dog

Recycle Girl

Grandma - Green Waste